
Fruit in Mekong Delta


Langsat Fruit Benefits

Langsat or lanzones (Lansium Domesticum) belongs to the Meliaceae family. The fruit was originally cultivated in western Southeast Asia and is considered the provincial flower in South Sumatra – Indonesian. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines. are some of the biggest producers of langsat. The production is mostly for domestic consumption, although some is exported to Hong Kong and Singapore.

The fruit isn’t large and has an outer diameter between 2 and 5 centimeters in an oval shape. Its flesh is covered by yellowish leathery skin which is usually marked by brown spots, it’s extremely rare to find Langsat with spotless skin. Inside it has 5-6 segments of translucent and juicy flesh. Langsat has a sweet and sour flavor, but the ripe ones are sweet. The fruit is not only popular due to its taste, but because every segment of it is a healthy and delicious treat.

Benefits of Langsat Fruit

Digestive Aid

The skin of langsat can be used to treat diarrhea and intestinal parasites. Although it has bitter seeds, they can be pounded and mixed with water to make a deworming solution and a good remedy for ulcers. The resin is useful in treating inflammation and serious stomach pains.

Vitamin C

The body uses vitamins to repair tissues and produce collagen. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which helps protect the body from the damage of free radicals. It is also an agent that boosts the immune system and langsat is a great source of vitamin C. Deficiency in vitamin C can be a leading cause of inflamed and healthy gums, trigger nosebleeds and be a major reason of dry skin.


Langsat has riboflavin that supports red blood cell production and body growth. It also aids the body in releasing more energy from carbohydrates.

Vitamin A

Lanzones is also rich in vitamin A, which is also known as retinol or carotenoids. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that has an important role in maintaining healthy teeth, skin, mucous membranes as well as soft and skeletal tissues. In addition, vitamin A functions as an eye pigment which is important in night and low conditions.


Langsat contains limonoids, which contains cancer fighting elements that help to protect the lungs. The fruit itself and the skin are widely used for medicinal purposes.


A 100 gram serving of langsat has over 2 grams of fiber per serving, proving 8-11 percent of the recommended dietary intake of fiber for women and 6-8 percent for men. A diet that is high in fiber reduces the risk of heart diseases and encourages healthy bowel movements.


Another langsat benefit is that it serves as a febrifuge. This means that it can lower body temperature. Febrifuge is any medicine that lowers the temperature of the body or alleviates fever.

Sore Eyes

The leaves of langsat can be used to cure sore eyes.

Thiamine Aid

The body makes use of thiamine to break down sugar and treat nerve and heart conditions.

Bark Uses

The bark of langsat is used to treat malaria, while its powdered form can be used to treat scorpion stings. The resin from the bark can be prescribed for flatulence- where the body holds excessive gas in the alimentary canal. It also serves as an antispasmodic, which will relieve or prevents spasms.

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